A Pretty HuGOin' Website

A Pretty Heckin' Website using Github Pages and Hugo

Check out the SPA version of A Pretty HuGOin' Website!


Whereas tables are ideal for comparisons, lists are good for condensing repetitive or related data. While this can be convenient in cutting down paragraphs into more digestable content, they should be used judiciously. As a general rule of thumb, lists over five items should either be refactored into nested or separate lists unless there’s a significantly compelling reason.

For example, the many features of A Pretty Heckin' Website might become unwieldy if we placed them in a single line, but by nesting lists the user can more efficiently skim the information provided. Nesting should be styled with increasingly shrinking fronts to remind the writer that information nested too deeply might as well be inaccessible. Much like headings, keep these items short and leave your sentences in paragraphs.

This site made with…

Instead of 4-5 paragraphs, we can convey these features in an eye catching and accessible manner. As a bonus, I got to use Gallant GIMP as a list item.