A Pretty HuGOin' Website

A Pretty Heckin' Website using Github Pages and Hugo

Check out the SPA version of A Pretty HuGOin' Website!

Media, images and other pretty things

I didn't kill my wife! Also something about web design!
Dr. Richard Kimble , Seeking the One Armed Man (1963)

Media is another concern in modern design. Videos should be responsively sized for both desktop and mobile. More commonly, we might simply include an embed, and pass the hosting costs onto someone else, like Google.

A lot of the same advice goes for images, with an added emphasis on size. Most modern browsers support internet optimized image formats like WebP and avif, which can be substantially smaller than conventional formats. Supporting multiple versions of a single image can help ensure that when possible, the most efficient image is served while ensuring compatibility.

Web developer working diligently
Felt the need for a wide picture here

At this point, we've covered many of the elements available to us in the HTML spec. With that, We're still looking at less than 500 lines of CSS. That's with extensive font integration, media responsiveness and subtle animations.

With Hugo’s template system, we’re also able to replicate the layout across our content easily, decoupling the work of creating content from the work of web design.