A Pretty HuGOin' Website

A Pretty Heckin' Website using Github Pages and Hugo

Check out the SPA version of A Pretty HuGOin' Website!

Other Informational Widgets

These next few widgets have a special significance in that they are not supported in Internet Explorer. IE compatibility isn't as big a concern as it was in the past, but you never know, so keep compatibility in mind and don't lock any core functionality behind these features.


The details1 element is a handy way to implement footnotes and other non-critical data that doesn’t merit an aside bubble. Even when used with IE the summary and content will still be available, so compatibility is a minor concern employing the details element.


You can use details when you don't think it's necessary for the reader to get all the details.


Progress tags create progress bars, useful for showing numeric information that indicate progress. In other words, it is a gauge that is expected to fill one way (from zero to one).

The above bar measures your progress on the page, you are Not Supported - Javascript is Disabled % through this page.


Meters can be used to represent gauges. For example, Lighthouse, an browser accessibility tool, grades this website for both desktop and mobile:

Lighthouse Score

100 Score

100 Score

100 Score

100 Score

My own rigorous self-critique

37 Score

61 Score

85 Score

In all honesty, I would give these 100s as well, but we do need to check styling for non optimum values eventually, right?