A Pretty HuGOin' Website

A Pretty Heckin' Website using Github Pages and Hugo

Check out the SPA version of A Pretty HuGOin' Website!


For instance, let’s say you want to measure this website against some other well respected peers? A table can provide that information at a glance. Well respected peers in this case includes several profanity laced tirades about minimalist website design that for better or worse inspired this project. Peruse at your own discretion.

Tables Are Great for Comparisons
Google1000+ kB<N/AN/AYESYESYES
M***** F****** Website~22 kBNONONOYESNO
Better M***** F****** Website~22 kBNONONOYESNO
The Best M***** F****** Website~110 kBYESNONOYESNO
A Pretty Heckin' Website~125 kB2YESYESYESYESNO
A Pretty Jekyllin' Website~155 kB2YESYESYESNOYES
A Pretty Hugoin' Website (SPA)~325 kB23YESYESYESYESYES

As measured by a generated Chromium Lighthouse tool report and manual auditing.


Excluding Youtube embed.


only ~195 kB if you stop reading now! Much of the new overhead is due to processing our images lossless-ly, as opposed to lossy versions in the earlier iterations.

You can also get a little dishonest by omission. While I might think otherwise, Google’s form may be a little more useful than the form demonstrated on this webpage.